"Updates: 060510 - A new government in the morning? "

La Femme

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single/ attached
Date Of Birth ; 0808
Current age . 20something
Occupation ; Model/Writer
Location . Mostly LDN,

♥♥♥_About Me.
♥ Punk ♥ Reggae ♥ Hip-Hop ♥ Ska ♥ Hardcore ♥ Politics ♥ Culture ♥ Social Awareness ♥ Language ♥ Maths ♥ Chaos Theory ♥ Activism ♥ Permaculture ♥ Anthropology ♥ Blonde ♥Blue Eyed. Boring. ♥ Never posts pictures. Lazy. ♥ Dance ♥ Friends ♥ Travel ♥ Family ♥ Writing ♥ Reading

The Last...090610
thing you ate: A sausage in beans, Alan Pratridge stylee!! I'm ultra class.
thing you downloaded: Nothing
song listened to: Empire State of Mind - Alicia Keyes, beautiful song, and recently I'm really missing New York. The time I spent there was very romantic. Carefree, smitten and in new York. But I feels I really need to point out, this has nothing at all to do with E. item you read: Silly comments on Facebook. I hate how it's like one big party when it really isn't.
person you talked to: Marie. Love you!
item you purchased: Vitamins, make up. Could I be anymore exciting?
text you recieved: "This Friday! Hope you can make it. Would be awesome to see your beautiful face, Lady P"
text you sent: "I wish I had a private jet. I would be there in an instant. Love you xxx"
person you kissed: Still no comment
thing you did before filling this out: Checked me facebook.
thing you thought about: It was actually when I was writing that thing about missing New York, I started thinking about well, New York, and E. He was so damaged, and I really hate using that word, but I shared some of the wickedest times with him.

March 2009 April 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 June 2010

The Cast

Some of the cast in my life story! I'll add more in time. Please don't be offended I I didn't list you!!

Stussy: BFF. Notable for her deathly palour, extraordinary talent, and wicked sense of humour.

Leni: Another BFF. Easy Going, Sweet, Funny, and Mother of my God Daughter.

Sam: Best BFF. Used to be my neighbour. Obssessed with Skateboarding. Would trust with my Soul.

Chilli: Chilled out BFF who has a weird half American Accent and a mass of red hair.

Pebbles: Cute BFF, impeccable dress sense, absolute sweetheart, and mother to Zakai.

J: On/Off Boy Thing. Overly Charismatic and vomit inducingly funny.

Jacob: X-Boy. Overly Complicated friendship. But otherwise a hardworking guy dedicated to the Cause.

Jake: My little brother. Quiet. Unassuming. Adorable.

Masie: Little Sister. Cute. Smart and probably set out to be the family genius (cause I failed at it.)

Johnny: New BF. Well new compared to the others. One of my favourite mischief partners.

Marie: Has the patience of a saint. Is my long suffering point of constant contact as my agent.

E: X-Boy. Had an On/Off Relationship for about 4/5 years. Sweet but broken. We have a weird friendship.

Kei: Leni's husband. Rockstar. And one of my favourite housemates ever. We made the best sandwiches.

Aidan: The one and original x-boy. My high school sweetheart. Nothing weird. Just wicked friends.


Basecodes Designer

30 March 2009,

Think of all the beauty still left around you and be happy.
Anne Frank

Bonjour! I'm finally home after my merry go round weekend travelling across France. The last few days have been filled with wonderment and a blissful ignorance of reality. My mother has persisitently pestered me to go to the 'motherland' more, and I've finally fufilled her wish. Even if only for a four day journey. I've covered hundreds, possibly thousands of miles...so I think it counts.

It was Thursday and the mock sunshine was making me feel sad. Coupled with stubbing my toe on corner of the bed and post it notes full of deadlines I thought 'I really want to go away this weekend'. I called up some of my closest homies but it seemed everyone was preoccupied. So I sat, lamenting. I could just get up, and go to France. So I did. About 10 hours later I was there.

Of course, I didn't just go on my own. J had invited me a few weeks before to do merch, as his band were playing there. But I said no, I only do merch for one band!! Honestly, I didn't want to go and be 'that girl with the band'. You know the one, and you hate her! Haha.

But it was all good. We hung out and had a wicked time. Naturally I was a bit nervous going there. I was randomly going to a different country! I had tried to call J but couldn't get through so he didn't know I was coming. We've not been together long so it did occur to me it was going to be a bit weird. And as I didn't really know anyone else I felt like the tag along.

It all turned out really cool though. He had been trying to call me and seemed really happy to see me. We all had a really cool time just travelling through the French countryside, getting lost, eating yummy food and generally being drunk and silly. Oh, and the band were good too. I didn't realise how big they were over there. Having said that I'd never heard of Mat (not his real name!) before we met and he's massive there.

Did I ever mention Mat? There's not much to tell really. We dated on and off for a while. It was nice, but we were just really...non commital. He was never in the country for longer than a few weeks at a time (just like E!!). It wasn't his fault but it was difficult for us to develop a relationship. Not to mention his girlie fans did not like me! I haven't seen him for ages but were still friends...I hope!

It was nice for J and me too. I guess I never really realised how superfical some friendships can be. On the friday night everyone else had gone to sleep and we stayed up chatting till the sun rose. It occured to both of us that despite knowing each other for years we didn't know anything about each other. We just completely missed that part of our friendship. I didn't know his last name, and he didn't realise I was half french or that I was left handed! It kind of made me think that I shouldn't just say 'hi' to people but actually talk to them.

Anyways, I could go into so much more detail but it's late and I have to be up at 6am or Marie will kill me. Apparently there's some really, really important casting tomorrow. If you ask me, she tells me that every day...love you though hun!

I hope you had an equally brilliant weekend! xxx

24 March 2009,

I'm sitting on the train, coming back from a shoot I did in the Lake District. It was damned freezing but the photos should be good. Look out for them in a special interest magazine near you! Lol. Nah, it was a fashion shoot.

I've never done one these quizzes before so I thought I'd try one out, here goes:


Whats your name?

Where are you?
Somewhere between North and South England.

What do you look like?
I'm tallish, caucasian, blonde, pale...blah blah.

What do you do for a living?
I spend most days 'sitting pretty'.

Mild Stuff

Where were you a week ago today?
In my flat, trying to write. Being annoyed at my own stupidity.

Could you go a day with out eating?

Fuck yeah, I'm a model! Nah, I'm joking. I can last without eating much, but not without completely. I <333 Food.

What was the last thing you drank ?
Fruit smoothie. It was delicious, and home made. From this little cafe on the side of the road.

What's something you really want right now?
Something more exciting than a train sandwich. I don't like sandwiches made out of trains.

Are you taller than 5'7"?
Yeah. I'm 7ft 8. No, I'm joking.

What was your favourite subject in school?
French was good cause I didn't have to do anything because I'm half french. But other than that, Maths and philosophy. All good.

What one thing are you really good at?
Sums. Yes, you read it right. I'm good at arithmatic.

Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
Marie. She's my agent.

Who was the last person you talked to in person?
Lucy, another model. She's sitting opposite me but she's asleep.

What happened at 9:00 am today?
We went for breakfast. At the cafe.

Getting Warmer

Who was the last person you kissed?
Mmmm, Stussy? No, actually I think it was J.

Whats going on between you & the last person you kissed?
I don't really know how to answer that question.

Do you fancy the last person that you kissed?


Have you ever kissed anyone who's name started with an A, B, W, M, C?
Probably. There's lots of questions about kissing!

What is something that you're looking forward to?
There's a big street party soon. I'm looking forward to that!!

Have you ever sent a text to the wrong person?
Yes! My brother and ex boyfriend have the same name almost. My little brother used to send me replies full of absolute disgust.

Have you ever kissed on a boat?
Yeah, bizarrely enough I have. Why are people so obsessed with kissing. Can't you write a questionnaire with interesting questions?

Have you ever met a gay person?
What a retarded question. Of course I have.

What are you afraid of?
The fascist right gaining more seats in parliament. Not so much afraid, but I'd be really pissed off.

When was the last time you were sick?
Ages ago. My good friend Johnny and I went out together and got blind drunk. We just met up for a chat because he's one of y favourite people in LDN, actually anywhere. we have the best times.

Whens the last time you made a drunk dial?
I dial taxis a lot when I'm drunk.

Do you know anyone that smokes weed?
Smoke weed, take pills, snort coke...yes, yes, yes. It seems inherent in the city's culture.


Are you slowly drifting away from someone?
Probably. It's fucking awful, and I hate it but what can you do? I'm only ever in my flat like two days in a fortnight, I barely see the people I live with, let alone my family or my other friends. It makes me want to cry :(

When was the last time you were jealous?
Interesting question. I don't really get jealous. I don't envy anyone else...but I think the last time was when somebody I cared about brought their girlfrind/fiance to meet me. It wasn't really fair.

When was the last time you cried?

Pfft. The other night. When somebody made me sad. Nuff said.

How would your last boyfriend/girlfriend describe you?
I'd really prefer not to think about it. Officially (on his myspace) he refers to me as 'the most beautiful girl in the world'. Unofficially, he'd probably call me heartless for not returning his calls.

Who was the last person who told you they loved you?
Wow, these are personal questions! My mum. Actually, it wasn't, but we'll say it was.

Has anyone ever tried to ruin a relationship you were in? What happened?
Yes, seemingly, all the damned time. The last one was all a bit complicated. She liked someone who liked me, and she didn't like it at all. She followed me down the road and with tears in her eyes told me to leave him alone. Now, seriously, I don't court this kind of thing. She was a bit mental!

If you saw the last person you kissed kissing someone else, what would you do?
Again, with the kissing thing. I probably wouldn't do anything. If he wanted to be someone else that would be his choice. Having said that, I might smack him.

How long have you liked the person you like?
I'm kind of guessing that a kid wrote this! I dunno. I didn't really realise I liked him until I didn't want to go home.

Ever given your ALL to someone who walked away?
No Comment.

Have you ever regretted kissing someone?

Have you ever kissed anyone famous?

Mmmmm. Maybe.


Have you ever had a one night stand?
Yeah, well J was meant to be one.

Have you seen the last person who text you naked?
Yes :P

Who was the last person to see you naked?

Um, J.

Where do you like to be kissed?

If your the right person. Everywhere!

Have you ever performed a striptease?

These questions are getting a bit sordid. But yeah.

Have you ever kissed someone of the same sex?

Girls? Yeah, of course. A few drinks and I'm anyones...haha.

Have you ever faked an orgasm?

Fake? An orgasm? What's the point? If it's not working, just say so.

Where's the craziest place you've had sex?

Oh you know, here and there.

Finally, what's your favourite position?


p.s. How did you find the quiz?


23 March 2009,

It seems like a while since it rained. I live off the main road but you can often see commuters on their way, trying to remain fashionable as the weather wreaks havoc on their carefully put together satorial efforts. I think I just heard it thunder. I love it when the weather goes crazy! Not to suggest I'm pro-global warming. Wait now it's sunny!

I think I finally did right for once. I don't know if it will last forever, but I'm fairly certain I made a good choice. It all starts with a guy I will call...J. For many years J and I have walked in the same circles but we never ended up being anything more than just friend of friends. A while ago, like a really long time ago we, er, spent an evening together under the premise we would never ever mention it again. It was just our little secret.

The scene we're both a part of is pretty small, and like a rural village, gossip spreads quickly. We didn't want to be gossip so neither of us mentioned it ever again. Until a few weeks ago when we hung out at a show. Things progressed from there. We officially dated for two weeks then he called it quits. Because Jacob appeared out of nowhere.

Jacob, J and I were at a show. I hadn't seen Jacob for ages (because he comes and goes as he pleases). We chatted for a bit and his final words to me was 'you're with J? Don't fuck it up!'. Naturally, I was overwhelmed with good vibes. My lovely callous ex, who split up with me, told ME not to 'fuck it up'. Inevitable as is, we had an argument, which was witnessed by J. So J ended it. He sort of figured it was all getting a bit complicated. I would have called it quitstoo if I was him.

I was pretty annoyed for a few days then I figured, fuck it. Jacob has screwed enough of my happiness opportunities. So, I went to see J and told him that we should try this. He agreed. And now I'm a happy bunny.

I guess, the whole thing is weird for me. If I'm being honest, Jacobs been such a massive part of my life for a long time. I still consider what he says to me. But not today, not anymore :)

Nuff, Nuff of this stuff. xx

4 March 2009,

Niquee Returns.

Apologies for my absence. Life gets consuming. Alas I know, this excuse barely covers the hours of tedium you have suffered staring at blankness.

Anyhow, you may have noticed complete and total deletion of all my old posts. This is because every time read back, I get red faced and heart palpitations. So, I cleaned it all out, and decorated with a nice, simple layout.

I will blog again, my friends.

First of all, who is everyone? Introductions. (this page will eventually be moved to the side panel, when I find the energy to do so)

I am
Niquee, otherwise known as Monique Moore. Monique is actually my second name, and I have a double barrelled surname. No posh insults. I am not posh. I am part French and can speak the language, though not quite fluently. I grew up England, somewhere possibly approximating the North. I now live in the South with two of my best friends, Stuss and Chilli. Yes, we all have stupid nicknames, We used to have a really tight crew that spent every waking teenage moment together. But people get older. We spread our wings. We used to hang out at 'skating' spots, go to shows and think we were scene. It makes me smile. Back in the day, I used to rock baby pink dreads and wear clothes that were far too big for me. My mother would despair of me.

Some years elapsed, I went to Uni, then moved to
LDN. I happily worked at a Vegan shop, even though I wasn't Vegan. The Vegan Militia didn't like that. Eventually I became a model, even though it was possibly the worst job I could think of, and as I was told an infinite amount of times, a waste of my IQ. I know, I know. thats why I write, to keep the brain working. I love it, and write about anything.

Other random things of note...mmm, my closet is hopelessly messy. I am extremely hopeless with men, which anyone would note if they have read my blogs before. I am constantly jetlagged. I enjoy cupcakes and macaroons. I customise a lot of my own clothes. My favourite shoes are my Louboutins. Someone on the internet once called me "a gold diggin' groupie with the brains of an amoeba". It was in reference to a picutre of me standing next to her favourite pop star. Aaah. I adore my friends. They are incredibly talented. I adore you, for taking the time out to read this drivel. I'm mostly just wasting time. I'm at my parents home, and there's nothing else to do.

Love Niquee xxx