"Updates: 060510 - A new government in the morning? "

La Femme

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single/ attached
Date Of Birth ; 0808
Current age . 20something
Occupation ; Model/Writer
Location . Mostly LDN,

♥♥♥_About Me.
♥ Punk ♥ Reggae ♥ Hip-Hop ♥ Ska ♥ Hardcore ♥ Politics ♥ Culture ♥ Social Awareness ♥ Language ♥ Maths ♥ Chaos Theory ♥ Activism ♥ Permaculture ♥ Anthropology ♥ Blonde ♥Blue Eyed. Boring. ♥ Never posts pictures. Lazy. ♥ Dance ♥ Friends ♥ Travel ♥ Family ♥ Writing ♥ Reading

The Last...090610
thing you ate: A sausage in beans, Alan Pratridge stylee!! I'm ultra class.
thing you downloaded: Nothing
song listened to: Empire State of Mind - Alicia Keyes, beautiful song, and recently I'm really missing New York. The time I spent there was very romantic. Carefree, smitten and in new York. But I feels I really need to point out, this has nothing at all to do with E. item you read: Silly comments on Facebook. I hate how it's like one big party when it really isn't.
person you talked to: Marie. Love you!
item you purchased: Vitamins, make up. Could I be anymore exciting?
text you recieved: "This Friday! Hope you can make it. Would be awesome to see your beautiful face, Lady P"
text you sent: "I wish I had a private jet. I would be there in an instant. Love you xxx"
person you kissed: Still no comment
thing you did before filling this out: Checked me facebook.
thing you thought about: It was actually when I was writing that thing about missing New York, I started thinking about well, New York, and E. He was so damaged, and I really hate using that word, but I shared some of the wickedest times with him.

March 2009 April 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 June 2010

The Cast

Some of the cast in my life story! I'll add more in time. Please don't be offended I I didn't list you!!

Stussy: BFF. Notable for her deathly palour, extraordinary talent, and wicked sense of humour.

Leni: Another BFF. Easy Going, Sweet, Funny, and Mother of my God Daughter.

Sam: Best BFF. Used to be my neighbour. Obssessed with Skateboarding. Would trust with my Soul.

Chilli: Chilled out BFF who has a weird half American Accent and a mass of red hair.

Pebbles: Cute BFF, impeccable dress sense, absolute sweetheart, and mother to Zakai.

J: On/Off Boy Thing. Overly Charismatic and vomit inducingly funny.

Jacob: X-Boy. Overly Complicated friendship. But otherwise a hardworking guy dedicated to the Cause.

Jake: My little brother. Quiet. Unassuming. Adorable.

Masie: Little Sister. Cute. Smart and probably set out to be the family genius (cause I failed at it.)

Johnny: New BF. Well new compared to the others. One of my favourite mischief partners.

Marie: Has the patience of a saint. Is my long suffering point of constant contact as my agent.

E: X-Boy. Had an On/Off Relationship for about 4/5 years. Sweet but broken. We have a weird friendship.

Kei: Leni's husband. Rockstar. And one of my favourite housemates ever. We made the best sandwiches.

Aidan: The one and original x-boy. My high school sweetheart. Nothing weird. Just wicked friends.


Basecodes Designer

20 July 2009,

The other night I was writing an opinion piece based around mens ideas of love and relationships. I do understand the irony of being asked to write such a thing!! The same night J came over, and I decided he would be a perfect subject for all my questions. Not thinking too much about the content of the questions, I asked him quite absent-mindedly. Of course I should have thought about it a bit more...one of the questions was 'how does she know you love her?'. J looked at me with a furrowed brow and replied...'are you asking me if I'm in love with you'. Hell no!

I completely tensed up. He laughed it off but I just froze. J was convinced that I was asking these questions because I wanted to know if he was in love with me. I tried to defend myself but everything sounded so lame. And I even blushed!

The thing is, I have a horrible track record. Stuff always goes wrong. J and I purposefully kept our relationship undefined and just, very simple. The only thing we kind of decided was that it would be exclusive. No other terms...we don't have a must call every day thing, or must hang out all the time thing. J and I were supposed to be fun. If we fall for each other, I'll just mess it up. How self-absorbed do I sound?!

I'm kind of just embarrased by it now. He keeps making fun of me. He's so cool. Apart from this quite random thing, he makes me real happy.

16 July 2009,

A friend of mine who used to keep a blog told me that these days everytime she sits to write, she ends up deleting it all. She says that when she started about ten years ago it was very different. It used to be more of a private matter. Now everyone keeps a blog, everyone reads blog and it's not the same cosy network it used to be.

Personally for me, I've never really blogged publically. A few of my homies know where this page is, but it's mostly just somewhere personal, to be random. I've never told any boyfriends about this page, and I use a lot of pseudonyms. In the past, some people have found this page, and figured out who I am. It is kind of weird, especially since my job means I'm sometimes in the media's glare.

A while ago I found my lovelife reported in the gossip pages, and another time before that I found a forum thread discussing another relationship. It's so weird, and I can't believe some people strive for that!

Anyway, my point is that sometimes I write a post, and then I delete it. I think sheet, I can't write that...thats too personal!! Other times, I'll think...just do it anyway and deal with the consequences if and when they arrive. Thats why my posts may seem quite random. Like this one today.

It's taken me ages to write those few paragraphs. I keep reading them back and realising they don't make sense, they have no flow. But I have to remind myself, I'm not writing an article...it's just a blog!!

Anyway, life...I've been working really hard lately. I've been offered a regular column for a (smallish) magazine. I'd love to have a regular column but the publication isn't something thats really 'me'. I think they just want to have a 'face' for the magazine. And the other job is busy as hell too. Although someone told me I looked too 'foreign' today. What the hell does that mean?

Gawd, I've just seen the time 0:51am. Not late, but I have a car coming at 6am (thanks marie!). Will be working from 6am till 2am tomorrow. So hope they let me have a nap!!

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