"Updates: 060510 - A new government in the morning? "

La Femme

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single/ attached
Date Of Birth ; 0808
Current age . 20something
Occupation ; Model/Writer
Location . Mostly LDN,

♥♥♥_About Me.
♥ Punk ♥ Reggae ♥ Hip-Hop ♥ Ska ♥ Hardcore ♥ Politics ♥ Culture ♥ Social Awareness ♥ Language ♥ Maths ♥ Chaos Theory ♥ Activism ♥ Permaculture ♥ Anthropology ♥ Blonde ♥Blue Eyed. Boring. ♥ Never posts pictures. Lazy. ♥ Dance ♥ Friends ♥ Travel ♥ Family ♥ Writing ♥ Reading

The Last...090610
thing you ate: A sausage in beans, Alan Pratridge stylee!! I'm ultra class.
thing you downloaded: Nothing
song listened to: Empire State of Mind - Alicia Keyes, beautiful song, and recently I'm really missing New York. The time I spent there was very romantic. Carefree, smitten and in new York. But I feels I really need to point out, this has nothing at all to do with E. item you read: Silly comments on Facebook. I hate how it's like one big party when it really isn't.
person you talked to: Marie. Love you!
item you purchased: Vitamins, make up. Could I be anymore exciting?
text you recieved: "This Friday! Hope you can make it. Would be awesome to see your beautiful face, Lady P"
text you sent: "I wish I had a private jet. I would be there in an instant. Love you xxx"
person you kissed: Still no comment
thing you did before filling this out: Checked me facebook.
thing you thought about: It was actually when I was writing that thing about missing New York, I started thinking about well, New York, and E. He was so damaged, and I really hate using that word, but I shared some of the wickedest times with him.

March 2009 April 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 June 2010

The Cast

Some of the cast in my life story! I'll add more in time. Please don't be offended I I didn't list you!!

Stussy: BFF. Notable for her deathly palour, extraordinary talent, and wicked sense of humour.

Leni: Another BFF. Easy Going, Sweet, Funny, and Mother of my God Daughter.

Sam: Best BFF. Used to be my neighbour. Obssessed with Skateboarding. Would trust with my Soul.

Chilli: Chilled out BFF who has a weird half American Accent and a mass of red hair.

Pebbles: Cute BFF, impeccable dress sense, absolute sweetheart, and mother to Zakai.

J: On/Off Boy Thing. Overly Charismatic and vomit inducingly funny.

Jacob: X-Boy. Overly Complicated friendship. But otherwise a hardworking guy dedicated to the Cause.

Jake: My little brother. Quiet. Unassuming. Adorable.

Masie: Little Sister. Cute. Smart and probably set out to be the family genius (cause I failed at it.)

Johnny: New BF. Well new compared to the others. One of my favourite mischief partners.

Marie: Has the patience of a saint. Is my long suffering point of constant contact as my agent.

E: X-Boy. Had an On/Off Relationship for about 4/5 years. Sweet but broken. We have a weird friendship.

Kei: Leni's husband. Rockstar. And one of my favourite housemates ever. We made the best sandwiches.

Aidan: The one and original x-boy. My high school sweetheart. Nothing weird. Just wicked friends.


Basecodes Designer

22 December 2009,

Jake, my little brother passed his driving test a while ago and very excitedly promised to pick me up and drive me back home for Christmas. Unfortunatly my evil, older cousin, Olivia, heard about this, called me and blagged a lift back. I wasn't too pleased about it but you can't really turn down family. Today she rang me up and told me what the plan will be. She wants to set off when it suits her, stop when it suits her and requires us to also give a lift to her dead end 'fiance' who lives 'on the way' (read about 50 miles out the way). It's my brother' first long trip so it's really annoyed me. Sometimes I get so fed up of people only looking out for themselves. I'm not perpetuating any woe is me type statement although life has had moments of great shitness in recent times but seriously, she can drive! And she has a car in LDN!

I've been finding myself increasingly fed up with everything. There has been a lot of building work in my building, none of which was asked for and it's caused me much anger. Dust everywhere, broken pipes, cut cables, landlord being a general captain of Arsness. Then there was the guy who became infatuated with me and although didn't do anything just became proper weird. He managed to get my number so was texting me and calling me constantly. He played songs down the phone! Eventually I changed my number which was such a irritation because I've had the same number for years. It's been quiet of late so I'm hoping he's pissed off elsewhere. There were other bits too such an overly ambitious model who for some reason saw me as a threat and began being a wench. It goes on forever. I'm really hoping christmas is a vaccine for annoyance. Rant Over.

I mentioned the other day that something slightly interesting happened. I had gone to see my goddaughter and her mother up North. Once Sienna was in bed with daddy watching over her, Leni and I went to a show that was being played by J's band. At that point we had not really spoken for a few months. I still haven't forgiven him for cheating on me in our 'non' relatioship.

So I was out in the icy cold not really expecting anything. I saw J and my heart stopped and the butterflies exploded. He caught my eye and smiled. I went over to talk to him. All the feelings came back. The spark between us is insane. Nothing happened that night although he did a shout out for me saying it was 'Nice to see old friends'. He mentioned that he had another show on Monday and I should go down. And I did.

Again, nothing happened at the show except perhaps some lingering looks, and when he walked past he placed his hand on my belly. It made my skin tingle as I put my hand over his and he held my hand. After the show he invited me back a friends house. We walked together in the snowy cold just talking and giggling like we did before. When we got to his friends house we chilled out for a bit and drank lots. I had intended to go back to my house but ended up going back to J's cause it was much nearer. As I keep saying, nothing happened.

We spent the whole of today together and it's super cool. I don't know what will happen. I'm crazy about him. I'm hoping he's my Christmas present.

19 December 2009,

It's like 5am. Not really the best time to post! These last few months have been amazing, tiring, beautiful, difficult. September is always a big month in the industry, so consequently I don't know where it went. I was thrilled to see and be part of some of the shows this year and though wracked with nerves it was awesome. I'm not into name dropping but some of the shows were truly spectacular. And I got to hang out with some people I really miss. We're never in the same place together. I am so privelleged. I am truly thankful. It all happens again in a month or two.

Anyways, onwards. I am chilling out for Christmas. I need a break. I only stopped about a week ago. I came home to find my house a complete mess. Long story. Not to mention, other stuff which I just don't want to put on here. It's made me just want to take a complete vacation from life.

So here I am. Finally updating. Something of slight interest happened tonight but I'm too tired to post. So will do it soon xx