"Updates: 060510 - A new government in the morning? "

La Femme

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single/ attached
Date Of Birth ; 0808
Current age . 20something
Occupation ; Model/Writer
Location . Mostly LDN,

♥♥♥_About Me.
♥ Punk ♥ Reggae ♥ Hip-Hop ♥ Ska ♥ Hardcore ♥ Politics ♥ Culture ♥ Social Awareness ♥ Language ♥ Maths ♥ Chaos Theory ♥ Activism ♥ Permaculture ♥ Anthropology ♥ Blonde ♥Blue Eyed. Boring. ♥ Never posts pictures. Lazy. ♥ Dance ♥ Friends ♥ Travel ♥ Family ♥ Writing ♥ Reading

The Last...090610
thing you ate: A sausage in beans, Alan Pratridge stylee!! I'm ultra class.
thing you downloaded: Nothing
song listened to: Empire State of Mind - Alicia Keyes, beautiful song, and recently I'm really missing New York. The time I spent there was very romantic. Carefree, smitten and in new York. But I feels I really need to point out, this has nothing at all to do with E. item you read: Silly comments on Facebook. I hate how it's like one big party when it really isn't.
person you talked to: Marie. Love you!
item you purchased: Vitamins, make up. Could I be anymore exciting?
text you recieved: "This Friday! Hope you can make it. Would be awesome to see your beautiful face, Lady P"
text you sent: "I wish I had a private jet. I would be there in an instant. Love you xxx"
person you kissed: Still no comment
thing you did before filling this out: Checked me facebook.
thing you thought about: It was actually when I was writing that thing about missing New York, I started thinking about well, New York, and E. He was so damaged, and I really hate using that word, but I shared some of the wickedest times with him.

March 2009 April 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 June 2010

The Cast

Some of the cast in my life story! I'll add more in time. Please don't be offended I I didn't list you!!

Stussy: BFF. Notable for her deathly palour, extraordinary talent, and wicked sense of humour.

Leni: Another BFF. Easy Going, Sweet, Funny, and Mother of my God Daughter.

Sam: Best BFF. Used to be my neighbour. Obssessed with Skateboarding. Would trust with my Soul.

Chilli: Chilled out BFF who has a weird half American Accent and a mass of red hair.

Pebbles: Cute BFF, impeccable dress sense, absolute sweetheart, and mother to Zakai.

J: On/Off Boy Thing. Overly Charismatic and vomit inducingly funny.

Jacob: X-Boy. Overly Complicated friendship. But otherwise a hardworking guy dedicated to the Cause.

Jake: My little brother. Quiet. Unassuming. Adorable.

Masie: Little Sister. Cute. Smart and probably set out to be the family genius (cause I failed at it.)

Johnny: New BF. Well new compared to the others. One of my favourite mischief partners.

Marie: Has the patience of a saint. Is my long suffering point of constant contact as my agent.

E: X-Boy. Had an On/Off Relationship for about 4/5 years. Sweet but broken. We have a weird friendship.

Kei: Leni's husband. Rockstar. And one of my favourite housemates ever. We made the best sandwiches.

Aidan: The one and original x-boy. My high school sweetheart. Nothing weird. Just wicked friends.


Basecodes Designer

29 March 2010,

Oooops, I just deleted my last post. Nevermind, I was only whinging. There's probably a lot of stuff I should mention, but I don't feel like it. It's all pretty boring, work related stuff. Modelling is fine, but writing isn't. Because of modelling. Blah, nevermind eh. It will work out.

Time to do a pointless quiz instead. It expends my energy in a different capacity. A few of my friends have been begging me to do another one since they found the last one so entertaining. Girls, for each hour I lose to this, you owe me a drink!

Do you usually sleep with your closet door open or closed?
Closet door? Is this a euphemism about my sexuality?

Do you take the shampoos and conditioner bottles from hotels?
I do, but I don't use them. I just think they look kinda cute. I display them proudly in my bathroom soguests can feel like they're in a hotel!

Have you ever 'done it' in a hotel room?
Yeah...moving on.

Where is your next vacation?
Oooh, I don't know. Brighton. If you can count that as a vacation. We used to have so much fun down there!

Have you ever stolen a street sign before?
Yes, but not since I was about 16. It was typically cider induced.

Who do you think reads these?
Most people don't know I have a blog. Just the girls, so probably my five best girl friends...

Do you have a calendar in your room?
Yes siree. I'd be so lost without it. It's a vintage pin up one.

Where are you?
At home, on the sofa, with a glass of wine...shit, I sound like an old woman...!! Lucky I don't have a cat.

What's your plan for the day?
It's a bit late in the day for plans. Probably read and then bed. Although I may spend some of it annoying my housemate. I like annoying him. Very much.

Are you reading any books right now?
Hell yeah. About three right now. Reading one about feminism, but I have a hard time with feminist books, especially this one. It's arguments are really crude. It actually makes me feel shamed to be a woman.

Do you ever count your steps when you walk?
Er. No.

Have you ever peed in the woods?
Yeah, we used to camp in the woods a lot and get pissed. Oh I'm feeling nostalgic.

Do you ever dance even if there's no music playing?
Of course.

Do you chew your pens and pencils?
No, I always found it a bit gross.

What is your "Song of the Week"?
Er. I'm liking anything by Crass this week.

Is it okay for guys to wear pink?

Do you still watch cartoons?
Hell yeah! I watch Dexters Lab a lot still. Leni and I had this absurd crush on the guy in our teens. Not only is he far too young, fictional and insane, he also seems tospeak with a russian accent.

Whats your favorite love movie?
Um. Wristcutters. That a beuatiful film.

What do you drink with dinner?
Generally nothing. My stomach gets confused so I wait till afterwards.

What do you dip Chicken Nuggets in?
If this is a McDonalds question, I don't eat them. If it's just general chicken nuggets, sweet chilli is good.

What is your favorite food/cuisine?
I love all food. Sushi, Thai, Italian...all yummy!

What movies could you watch over and over and still love?
Star Wars!

Last person you hugged/kissed?
My housemate. He just walked in. We didn't kiss though. Eurgh.

Were you ever a boy/girl scout?
No sir. But I'm always prepared.

Would you ever strip or pose nude in a magazine?
Er, kind of have done that already. The essential parts were covered though. I still felt like an idiot standing there in the nude.

When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper?
I wrote one to my housemate today asking him the immortal question 'will you get some milk'.

Can you change the oil on a car?
Fuck no. I'm a girl. Now there's a feminist challenge...:)

Ever gotten a speeding ticket?
Nope. I don't have a car!! No need in a city with such an amazing transport system (if only...).

Run out of gas?
See Above.

Favorite kind of sandwich?
The one Kei and I used to make. I miss him so much. And his wife, and his baby girl.

Best thing to eat for breakfast?
Waffles with strawberies and cream. And pancakes if I'm with Johnny.

What is your usual bedtime?
About 2am.

Are you lazy?
Sort of. If it's in my schedule I'll do it, even if it takes 24 hours. But if I'm left to my own devices, and don't HAVE to do anything. I probably won't.

When you were a kid, what did you dress up as for Halloween?
Halloween's not so big in UK...

Do you have any magazine subscriptions?
Yes, pretty much all of them. For work purposes.

Which are better, legos or lincoln logs?
I ahve no idea what lincoln logs are!

Are you stubborn?
I'm pretty easy going unless I think injustice has been served. then I can be a bit stubborn.

Who is better...Leno or Letterman?
Don't know. Don't care!

Ever watch soap operas?
Eastenders! And Neighbours. Not so much anymore though :(

Afraid of heights?
No. I've jumped out of a plane and loved it.

Sing in the car?
I sing in other peopels car. normally Stussy's car.

Dance in the shower?
Is that possible?

Dance in the car?

Ever used a gun?
No, it's not so common in the UK. Comparatively speaking.

Do you think musicals are cheesy?
Grease is one of my favourite films. But I don't understand all this Glee nonsense.

Is Christmas stressful?
I love it.

Ever eat a pierogi?
Have no idea.

Major annoyance right now?
My job situation. And confusion from friends. Everyone seems to be having some sort of personality crisis.

Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid?
I wanted to be an adventurer.

Do you believe in ghosts?
Um. Yeah.

Ever have a deja-vu feeling?

Do you take a vitamin daily?
Yeah, I have to make a concious effort for work.

Wear slippers?
Yes. I have a smart pair for when the postman knocks, and a stupid pair for when I'm dancing in the living room on my own.

Wear a bath robe?
As we speak! Nothing underneath ;)

What do you wear to bed?
When it's cold. Knee lenght socks, short and a t-shirt. When it's hot...very little.

Wal-Mart, Target or K-Mart?
Fuck them all.

Nike or Adidas?
Adidas. Always.

Cheetos Or Fritos?

Peanuts or Sunflower seeds?

Ever hear of, "gorp"?

Ever taken karate?
I have others, but not karate.

Ever kissed someone of the same sex?
Yes :P

Can you curl your tongue?
Yes, but can't most people do that?

Ever won a spelling bee?
No, cause we don't have them here. I did score highly in spelling tests throughout school. After school however, life has not been so kind to my spelling.

Ever cried because you were so happy?
Yeah, I remember crying when Sienna was born, my goddaughter.

Own any record albums?
Yes. Have dated some vinyl whores in my time, and there influence was heavy. Mat I'm talking about you!

Own a record player?
Yes. It's beautiful.

Regularly burn incense?
I have some but I always forget I do.

Ever been in love?
Yes. And one of them happens to be in my house right now, but we're just friends.

Hot tea or cold tea:
Hot. Hot. Hot. I'm English you know...

Tea or coffee?
Tea. Earl Grey. Milk and sugar. Ta.

Favorite kind of cookie?
My favourite biscuit is probably a chocolate hob nob.

Can you swim well?
Uh, I guess so.

Can you hold your breath w/o manually holding your nose?

Are you patient?
I think so. Not with this quiz though. End already.

Ever won a contest?
Why yes. The first one was a maths challenge. But lets not go into that...

Ever had plastic surgery?
No. Not even botox.

Which are better black or green olives?

Can you knit or crochet?
Yeah, but not very good at either. This scarf has been waiting patiently for months nw.

Wash room or bathroom?

Do you want to get married?
No, I would rather live happily ever after.

Who was your High School crush?
Aidan. I still adore him immensely. He's the only boy who broke my heart without breaking it.

Do you cry and throw a fit until you get your own way?
No, cause that would make me a five year old child.

Do you have kids?

Do you want kids?
Yeah, but not now. I'm not that bothered really. I still have Sienna.

What kind of mom are you?
I'm not.

Do you miss anyone right now?

Who do you want to see right now?
My mother. I miss her bad.

That quiz was horrible. Sorry for the lame answers ladies. But until I see you amounting effort into a pointless quiz, answers will be on the lean side.